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What does ‘Affordable Housing’ mean?

Affordable housing has various meanings to various people. In Australia, the Federal and State Governments have in some form or another adopted the AHURI (Yates and Gabriel, 2006) definition: affordable housing is appropriate housing for people who cannot participate in “market” housing without entering “housing stress” (spending so much on accommodation that other basic needs…

Social and Affordable Housing – Free Download

Social and Affordable Housing
Urbanxchange’s Director, Karen Janiszewski, recently gave a presentation on affordable housing: what it means, the types of affordable housing and affordable housing models. Click to download the presentation below.

What Victoria’s $535 million affordable housing hole means for developers

Developers are asking: “Why the constant push for more affordable housing through the planning system?” Historically, Australia has been comparatively well served by a housing system comprising home ownership for the majority, private rental housing as a transitional tenure on the path to home ownership, and long-term public housing leased to lower income households (“social…

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